Getting to the CoRe: a Communicative Receptive approach to language learning and mutual understanding in multilingual academic contexts, NWO open competition 2023-2027
Coordinator: Rick de Graaff, co-promotor Jan D. ten Thije
This study aims to explore to what extent a receptive (English / Dutch) approach in foreign language learning and use can improve the communicative effectiveness in receptive multilingual settings in participatory bodies. Link.
Multilingualism in employee and student representation (CvB Project Utrecht University, 2019-2022.
Coordinator: Jan D. ten Thije
This project aims to encourage the participation of international staff and students. This project investigated multilingual situations within and outside UU and has developed the followings tools and services: Tookit multilinguals meetings, Workshop multilingual meeting and Language course: Receptive Dutch as administrative language (B1-C1). Link.
Research done
- Information transfer from the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), financed by WODC (95.000) (2020 – 2021)
The aim of the study is to find out how asylum seekers experience the information provided by the Center for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) and what adjustments are needed to better match the information provided by the COA with the information needs of asylum seekers. The research was financed by Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC ) of The Ministry of Justice and Security - Interculturele Competence for University Utrecht (ICUU) USO project 2017 -2019
Coordinator: Jan D ten Thije
Het project zal trainingen interculturele vaardigheden ontwikkelen en richt zich daarbij op studenten, docenten en stafleden van de Universiteit Utrecht. - Competentiegerichte internationalisering in de eenjarige master USO project 2015-2017
Het project heeft good practices in verband met internationalisering verzameld op het gebied van mobiliteit, international classroom en international curriculum. Verslaglegging op TAUU website. - Luistertaal EMP project 2014 -2017
Coördinatie: Ineke van den Berg, Stefan Sudhoff, Karen Schoutsen en Jan ten Thije
Het project heeft als doel cursussen van het departement Talen, Literatuur en Communicatie open te stellen voor zgb ‘luistertaalstudenten’. Dat zijn studenten die de taal van instructie van de cursus receptief beheersen. Productive taken mogen ze met behulp van Engels of Nederlands verrichten. - Towards Inclusive Multilingualism in Europe (TIME) FP7-SSH-2009-A/CP-FP: 5.2.1.
The consortium existed of 19 partners of European Universities.The overall objective of the TIME Project was to examine the potential and the limitations of linguistic diversity in Europe and the widespread multilingualism that is its natural consequence. Since this diversity needs to be accepted as reality, and preferably celebrated as the embodiment of Europe’s essence, and also because everyday contact between people speaking different languages will only increase in intensity and frequency in the near future as globalization marches on, Europe needs to urgently rethink how best to equip its citizens with optimal competence in multiple languages. The TIME outline is formulated in an article in the European Journal for Applied Linguistics. Project coordinator: Jan ten Thije - Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition (TILA)
Improving the quality of foreign language teaching and learning processes by means of meaningful telecollaboration among peers: that is the aim of the European project Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition (TILA). The project is funded by the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme and will run from January 2013 to 2015.
Covenor: Kristi Jauregi (Utrecht) - Toolkit for Transnational Communication In Europe (2010 – 2013) Funded by NWO
- Language Analysis for the Determination of Origins (LADO)
- Methods for the Elicitation of Authentic Speech for Determination of Origin of Asylum Seekers (Taalstudio Amsterdam / Senter Novem, 2010)
- Formen der sprachlichen Perspektivierung am Beispiel von biografischen Erzählungen über Trabigeschichten (Chemnitz University of Technology, 1998-2002)
- Interkulturelle Kommunikationstraining für Behördeangestellten (Chemnitz University of Technology & Council of Chemnitz, 1996-2000)
- Intercultural understanding by non-professional interpreters (Chemnitz University of Technology; TEMPUS (TACIS), Pre-Joint European Project, 1996-1997)
- Functions en linguistic forms of ‘verba dicendi’ (Universiteit Utrecht, 1994-1995)
- Intercultural communication in educational advisory institutes (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), 1989-1994)
- Translationproject ‘Muster und Institution’ (University of Tilburg, 1982-1993)
- Planning and interaction in language education (Stichting voor Leerplanontwikkeling, Enschede 1982-1983)